Details hold concepts of the bigger picture

“Mommy what are you doing?”
“I’m making pomegranate juice honey!”
“I want them all red!”
“Child, you never know what are you going to get.”
“Well, I like them sour!”
“There are sweet ones & yellow ones, Different flavours for different tastes.”
“So … Our luck decides if it’s red or not?”
“No … We choose our fruit then we accept what it holds inside for us.”
“So god has created pomegranates to surprise us?”
“Son, life is bigger than pomegranates.”

Depth of Free will … to give up or walk towards fate?

People screaming at my direction … “Stop”!
“You will drop ..You will fall” then eyes stare
… No … Let it flow … Despair for inspiration..
Thoughts cross over but will I ? Fears shaking

Trembling with huge feet on thin sharp doom
It’s cutting through but we will make it through
walk towards death guided to an unknown mob
Hell beneath burning filthy baby steps “give up”!

Balance doesn’t exist, blindfolded & Mad Noises
Block them out to let in whispers of wealthy lips
Sensing hair which stand to salute to begin to end
Desires climbing out of its throat to choke me dead

Concept of beauty


Isn’t it ironic that most people would do anything to get some pieces of clothing just because it is made by a famous designer? “How could you say it isn’t beautiful?!!! It’s by Zuhair … What do you mean you don’t like it? This is designed by Valentino!!” I hear this alot, especially in a society that rewards you by your amount of money and judges you by what brand of shoes your feet are wearing. Let’s see this in another way …

Why would you look in the mirror sometimes and be unsatisfied? Why do you call yourself ugly, hideous, bad looking and so on? Why would you hate some features in you and try to change it with plastic surgeries? Aren’t you made by the Almighty creator of the universe? Aren’t you made by god; the perfect and the flawless? Aren’t Zuhair, Valentino or whoever are created by god and are imperfect human beings who make mistakes?

You are made by the greatest and you should be proud! How couldn’t you be? Your existence is not a coincidence! You are here because god has chosen you to be and god has created you with love, so how dare you say that you are not beautiful? Beauty is appreciated in different ways by different people and that is the beauty of it; we are all beautiful according to this law of nature which is created by god like you.

Look in the mirror and say -” I am created by god and I am beautiful. God loves me enough to put me in his universe and he took time to create me because I am worth it.” Look at this bird of pride in the photo; he is beautiful and he knows it. Meditate in god’s beautiful creations, there is a lesson waiting to be appreciated in every atom.