Secrets for sale

I was walking down the street by the rich ones who sat against the walls calling out for help from the poor. They have all the money but not happiness.

Money is not the boss anymore. Our new trades are happiness doses … Happiness had this smell … It is different from a person to another. Some people can’t even smell it. To me it smells like a mix of my mother’s perfume, baby powder and coffee beans.

My dealer is here selling identities for 2500 doses. I needed a new one because I’m addicted to the adrenaline that comes along with the new life. I’m so curious for every identity comes with its memories and secrets.
Keeping those identities on market helps us all to keep being alive, it’s moral if you ask me.

“Have any more to sell?”
“Yes, I’m almost out. I have the last one for today.”
“How much?”
“This one … You can have it for free. I’m glad to get rid of it! Here!”

Why for free … The identity dealer gets affected by the identities he carries. I’ll see what this is about then I’m going to trade it for happy doses.

Witches and demons

Witches are never born witches, it’s a choice. It’s not what they tell you in children’s stories … They don’t fly on brooms or have talking cats and they don’t have large pimples on their green noses and there are no good witches. The scariest thing is that they look like us and live normally between us and we see them around everyday.

The hair saloon I go to has female workers who are witches. They make sacrifices with chickens that they put in a sink every week, they put special food for their spirits on a little chair in the corner and use sticks of “Bakhour” it’s some kind of smoke that they use to summon spirits for they believe that they bless their jobs and give them success.

I know twins who work in a mall near my house, they look exactly the same and they’re both blind too. One of them sells pastries that he makes and he puts different potions in every kind. There’s the love me pastry, the hate her, the good marriage donuts, the cupcake of destruction.

Normal people think that they’re random names but they’re not. Nothing is random in this world and everything has a plan, a purpose and intentions … This scares me because you never know what those intentions are.

The second twin is an artist. He draws talismans, hidden sigils and Arabian letters in his paintings that form a demon’s name. Special orders for special customers and the more special the order is the more expensive it becomes. It’s all wicked spells and he hides them in the portrait’s eyes mostly whether it’s a hawk or a woman. Each symbol has a meaning and a job to do and he is a an artist on demand. The women love him, his women are loyal to him for they have never ending jealousy.

Old ladies that seem weak and friendly are in their houses with jars, pots and a room to invite them in. A cupboard filled with torn pages of religious books, black animals parts and blood. They just need pictures to do their jobs whether to break up a holy marriage or to put lust in someone’s heart towards the person who pays the money for the job and they call this a love potion. In the old times they needed a whole hair pulled out from the root to harm someone but now it’s all easy that they can just take a picture from Facebook. Women come and go with lots of money to spend.

Those fortune tellers you see … They have their demons around them and they talk to your demon to know what they want to know about you. Then they go to the sky and try to eavesdrop to know about your future until they get hit by lightening.

Most of those humans you see … They did ugly nasty things. They have to do a prayer for Satan before they start. They killed, they went to dig up corpses from their graves to stuff things into their throats. They pee on holy books and drink blood to please the devil. They performed black magic on other people and misguided them into the path of sins.

Each demon has a specific task to do, there’s a demon for divorce, a demon for lust, a demon to spread hatred, a demon who whispers in the ear of a man to seduce him to do terrible things … They all report back to Lucifer. Divorce is what pleases him the most.

There are kings, ministers, soldiers and servants; just like us. They live in ruins, in the bottom of seas, between things like on the staircases and near the doors. They love contradictions so they build castles on top of where the salty water meets the sweet or on where the warm water meets the cold, between shades and light. Some of them live in houses too, they’re called Ammar.

You know what scares me most? It’s that the demonic spirits think highly of themselves, they won’t do you a favour unless you do one for them first. This leaves me in wonder … What is it that they want a human to do for them? How far did these people go to get what they want?

You know why planes and ships disappear in Bermuda’s triangle? You don’t need me to tell you who lives there.
You’ve never felt their presence? You’ve never felt that someone is watching you?
You may not know any of witches or demons but I can tell you for sure that lots of them know you very well.

A disobedient memory and narcissism

Everyday was a different day but it always feels the same. The best thing is that he can trust him with deadly secrets because he’ll forget about them the next day.
Every night he sits down at the edge of Mark’s bed to tell him a story about a kidnaped boy who lives with them and doesn’t know that he’s a prisoner.

“Does he ever try to escape?” “He doesn’t know that he has to!” “Well, what if he finds out one day?” “If he ever finds out he will try to escape from the green door!” “But … We only have red doors …” “Shhh go to sleep I’ll tell you how tomorrow, remind me.”

“How come I never see him but you do?” “He lives in the mirrors and that is why we don’t have any mirrors in the house.” “Does he look like the monster under my bed or like the one in my closet?” “Thank you for reminding me. I’ll get them out now …”

The man dragged the two bodies on the floor out of the room and as he was leaving he heard “Look, the roof is dripping red rain! Can I use it to colour my drawings? I am out of red and only left with grey.” “Not again … No, you can’t … I have to clean up my mess but you should go to sleep.”

Mark finally woke up from his nightmares on his wet bed but this time a sudden change has been made in the routine. He decided to go to the basement to play hide and seek with his imaginary friend Kram. He noticed a shelf of souvenirs; wallets, watches and pens. There was an old photo hanging on the wall. It was Mark in a school uniform and a man placing his arm over his shoulder.

Mark took the photo in his hands and began to wonder who is this man and why is he in the photo with him? When was this? He took it to the man upstairs. The man was shocked for this was unexpected. He replied calmly with self confidence: “This man is your father, well he was.” “What have you done to him? Where is he now?” “If I were you I wouldn’t worry about it.” “Why is that?” “Because you will forget all about it tomorrow.” “Kram says that you kidnapped me and killed my father. I know he’s right now! You bad old man! You’re the devil!”

He ran away as fast as he could and opened the giant red door and it led to a long path with another red door in the end, each red door had another one behind it and each path became longer and longer with a further door to get to and the more doors he had opened the more hope he lost. This place was designed to make it impossible to escape and it’s not a house at all! Is there an end? “This path looks so long and he’s going to catch me! He’s getting closer and closer! I’m getting tired and I’m out of breath!”

Mark decided to look right and left for a way out and he saw a long window that has light bright green trees looking in from it and the calling light was coming through them and it looked so green. The man was so close to catch him but Mark made a surprising turn and threw himself out of the window.

He died in the arms of Mother Nature embraced by the soft grass. He died a beautiful death between the roses and his shiny sparkling drops of blood danced on his pure legs after crashing between the branches of the trees and through the shattered scattered glass of the truth.

He finally broke free and found salivation! He went out and saw the sun at last! The boy in the story has finally found the green entrance to life and escaped from his miserable death in the black hell. In death he found freedom and a grand white door to heaven.

Sweet children

Yes I fancy those children, the way their imagination works is fascinating. He chases butterflies calling them magical fairies yet he releases them when they fall under his mercy. She cries on the crumbs of her crackers and calls them falling angels from the sky. She imagines the rain drops as soldiers being sent down to rest after a battle, so she dances under love trying to collect them on her skin to live in her.

He lays down to count the stars and says I’ll go there one day to play with them and perhaps shine like they do. She sneaks on her toes into my library; which she thinks is forbidden, to learn the secrets of life of course. They fear our cook; from her broad face that they compare with stone. They say she eats children and cook them.

I laugh at these scenes which they make. I only wish that the last one was not true. Yes, my angels are stars now in a far fairyland guiding soldiers to the secrets of life, that’s what I like to think.

Black and white picture

I still have a black and white picture … It is clearer this way, I get to see his true face and kiss those wrinkles; caused by his overdosed smiles. His true face … I can see it in his soul through those charming eyes.
He looked at me, and with one look he elicited my soul out so forcibly as if he called it forth and it obeyed … I felt like a lab rat, he was testing his control on me.

The best reason to hate him is that he made me smile once. His smile, on the other hand, is innocent and the most deceiving.
I remember the first time we had a connection … Our souls bonded and we had access to each other’s thoughts. We come from different tribes he and I, I come from the “Qatala”; the most deadliest and cruelest creatures. He is what you call a common, but he is unique.

We can never be together, we are different like water and fire. He is the symbol of Love and I am the symbol of Hate and chaos will fall on us like rain if the two mix. He has special powers of forcing his love into the coldest and he kills with kindness which I think is pathetic. His purity teases me, I hate the way he treats me, it makes me weak.
I see him sometimes, I avoid looking in those eyes, they have their way to make me feel like a human again and I resent it.

I am sure that he saw the darkness in my eyes and now sees me as one of his charity works … That light in your light soul has no cure for my black spirit. I see him sometimes doing the “Gaith” dance; it brings fortune to the poor ones, I see him juggling planets like they’re nothing too. I see him painting souls with feelings and it was disgusting, I see him riding the “Mumit” for fun; Mumit is a beast that can tear you in parts with one move. I also see him bringing life with a snap of a finger; bringing memories into thin air for people to see, and when I see him I see myself in chains too.

Sometimes I see him as an amusement; a clown. Sometimes I feel that he has my heart in his bare hands and it bleeds when he closes his fist; a master. I am the child of the desert and the sea and I shall return into dust when the sun rises from the west. My end, however, feels nearer when I see the threat in the heart of that child like man. I hope he never becomes my enemy, for he has great power on me. I hope he never becomes my lover, for he is such a distraction. I hope he stays nothing, that worthless half human.

The grey one meets grey

I was having a horrible nightmare about a mad clown who slashed his victim’s mouth from ear to ear … He said she has never smiled before and she needed it. I was woken up by the temperature in the room … It was so cold that my feet almost went blue. I woke up breathing out vapour as if it’s winter … On the edge of my bed there sits a grey troubled soul … He was a figure which took a man’s form with his head looking down.

I tried to talk with him and ask what was wrong. Yes, to talk, “Making contact” is a sentence I hate in horror movies. As if they are not like us … They feel and think. Yes they are beyond in another world under ours but they are around too. He took a look at me and faded into thin air. I wished to see him again … What was his name? Why is he in misery? I want to be a good friend and listen … Or am I in love?

I have always been curious and drawn to mystery. We shared a room together anyway, yes just because I own a piece of land on paper that doesn’t make it mine. They were here before us and we took over their world … This was his room before it was mine and he is kind enough to share it. Sometimes I see his diary next to my pillow, a language I can not understand. It looks Arabic but somehow in reverse, I’m not sure.

He’s not the only one I see, but he is the only one who is grey. I always wonder if the ones living in homes with us are different than those who live in seas, remains and near the graves. I have met some unpleasant creatures; half a goat, impossible to catch, their children, the deformed one who has a story of his own.

He, on the other hand, is more closer to my heart. He has a story that I want and he left me all alone. I am going on a mission to the ancient world beneath ours, of course I have to take permission from their king to get in and out. I shall make a deal with the witch who lives next door, I have a book that she wants and she knows how to summon kings and the retinue, she is well connected.

I wonder if the king will allow me to come back again if I knew too much … Will I find him? Will he tell me his story? Will my journey be unexpected and deadly? I must take this adventure even if I have to travel by spirit and leave my rotten body on this bed of mine. It is worth all the trouble. You will not understand … Not until the veil is removed; a curse yet a blessing. Our existence is metaphysical and beyond the human mind’s limitations, that is what you normal people need to know. Till then, see you …. Maybe.

La Maison Des Acteurs Cafe

Through all of these tables, I sat on that one. This chair is the oldest, so it is the wisest. Dear chair, I wonder how many stories have you carried? How much have you suffered and endured to get these wounds on that torn skin of yours? I love the wrinkles on your face, it complements your grey hair. Oh here comes the Asian waiter who greets me with a smile that never gets old. Oh, the way that six-fingered virtuoso showers my cake with chocolate exhilarates me.

What I love about cafes is that the people change everyday but it’s almost the same. That leaning tower of Pisa is all over his lady whom he loves deeply and as she sips the goodness of life he recites poetry to the beauty of her eyes. The old man secludes himself in the corner and has a glass of warm milk. The vulgar man who mistreats my friend is always here in different vessels. The boys who come in with rolling eyes examine the place as if it were a crime scene.

What if I opened my third eye? Would I see their real stories? Their secrets perhaps? Is there a murderer? A thief? If only it were true … I bit most of them are calculus teachers. What is that on the front page? A new bomb has exploded on the east side? Rich, please bring me today’s newspaper … Never mind I’ll get it myself. I pulled out the rolled one thirsty for fresh news and before I knew it a gun fell on the ground with a bang that scattered them like cockroaches. My favourite cafe is now closed for investigation.

Bedtime story

If only he hadn’t dropped the note … John Sevefaro; a respected man and a brain cancer charity founder is not what he seems. John , who is married to Katy Witherspoon, is the owner of the new science laboratory in town. They had three children together; Mary, Joseph and Noah in close ages from seven to ten. Ten and a half as Noah always said proudly. Katy is an art teacher in her children’s primary school and is loved by her other ninety three children.

Everyday she dives into waves of admiration by the parents and love from her students. They were both quite a couple; wonder makers. She would create Art pieces from nothing and he creates green paper to feed the eyes of his wife.

One day as the mother and her three little slaves were getting up to go to school, Katy felt sick and passed the duty to drop off the children to the husband. He was complaining at the door about being late since the ways are too different and the nice nosy neighbour has heard him so she offered to take them to school on her way to work.

They singed in the car together and she offered them candy and sugar treats, they were happy and that cheered her up after the divorce of hers. Seven hours had passed, so Katy called on the husband to ask him about the kids, were they polite? Does she need to punish them with face slaps? Her curiosity was boiling till he picked up the phone to tell her about the lucky day he had.

She went to the neighbour’s house to see if she brought them back but the old lady is gone and instead there was a paper on the door. Katy took the paper; it was a printed letter – ” I took your three children to an old friend of mine, they look beautiful in red; those angels. We told them that they have been chosen to sacrifice themselves to god. If only you saw the innocent looks on their faces! They were so happy as we tied them up from their legs. It was painless I assure you, we drugged them first then we murdered them. I threw the bones to stray dogs, made a wig out of your daughter’s beautiful shiny hair and we kept the tender meat in plastic boxes for us to cook and eat later. Love, Sandra.”

Katy choked and shook in fear then lost her ability to speak as she waited in shock helplessly for her husband who was really late. He came in finally with a smile of satisfaction on his face, he hanged his jacket and a little note fell out. She couldn’t speak … What would she say? She quietly picked up the note to read it and it had red stains and a meat cooking recipe. This morning she knew too little and this evening little did she know.

Time travel

In response to

Darkness expands in front of me and I am lucky to reach what is in front of me … I touched what is there and it seems to be some kind of cloth … I ripped my way out and a coffin it was! What is that … To what world have I descended … Am I dead? Or is this a different place in a different time … I feel sleepy or am I half asleep? Maybe somewhere in between …

A queer scene is playing and my eyes are two blind witnesses … What a blurry scene I see that slowly became clear … Oh my god! I don’t know where from should I start! I see chocolate skinned children playing football with a human skull, I see Indian men saying marriage vows to trees, I see men putting their heads to the ground worshipping a cow chewing on hay,I see a river with books flowing with water and that water seems so red to me … The dominant colour is red …

The most intense red I see is on a woman on the ground looking up to her son as he cried on her bloody dress of black,white,green and of course red. “Umaah arjoki oomi men noomk msh wagt noom!” Screamed the child of misfortune as his voice was the loudest and carried pain more than the screaming raped souls in the war playing in the back like music. I saw the woman’s soul stripping off her body so easily just like when clothes fall off of our shoulders … There was a beautiful angel taking her away but sadly he did not see what I see …

My tears are falling to the ground making splashes and soon enough the scene got washed off and got pulled as if it were made of dust … I stood still and a new scene came to place … I see two men but they don’t see each other … One is a man crying over his dead cat with his eyebrows shaved off and the other man looked French and he was horrified screaming before a cat! What time is this? The setting is off! The sad man is wearing some sort of skirt and the scared man is wearing a wig!

Out of nowhere I see myself, in a younger version … What am I doing here? I look so little and weak … The tears on my little face is giving my heart wrinkles and awful memories … Wait, why are you holding my hand? I don’t want to go back there again!

Why is the scene so white? Are we in a hospital? Who is this man? It looks like … No way it is … Or is it? He is looking at me! Can you see me? Oh my god! Don’t be afraid old man! I won’t hurt you … I come from a different time in peace and … “krankenschwester!!!” Kranka what? … He is pointing at me and a nurse is next to him looking confused with a blank look on her face as he screamed with unknown words. The poor man passed away and I hear the nurses over his head asking about his last words as if he was an important man, the nurse said :”I don’t understand German!” Wait … The blue came to me out of the blues … Surrounded by water in the pool with floating bodies dancing around me in harmony on the rhythm of my heart who is trying to dig his way out of my chest … And that is all I remember officer.